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Smart devices using NodeMCU

Li2 welcomes you to the exciting world of smart devices.

Smart devices have taken the modern world by storm, with devices like smart watches, smart phones, and smart speakers, which connect to a wireless network and give you access to a variety of functions at your fingertips.

This two day hands-on workshop involves building a smart device using advanced sensors and ESP8266 NodeMCU, in fields of Agri-tech, Healthcare and Home automation. The workshop will introduce concepts like IFTTT, MQTT, and Wifi in Access point and Station modes, incorporating hands-on experiments and real-time problem solving.

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– Connected Devices and Industry 4.0

Potential of connected devices in Agri-Tech, Healthcare and Home Automation

Forming student groups to work on either of the 3 categories – Agri-Tech, Healthcare and Home Automation

Introduction to various IoT devices – focus on NodeMCU

Project 0 – blinking an LED Interfacing IR sensor to NodeMCU

Interfacing of soil moisture sensor, DHT sensor and water pump with NodeMCU

Interfacing of heartbeat sensor, coin motor and ADXL335 with NodeMCU

Interfacing of LDR, DHT sensor and BO Motor with NodeMCU

Introduction to ThingSpeak and Analytics using the Matlab tool

Cool demonstrations

Discussion in groups on hackathon and project ideation


Introduction to IFTTT, MQTT and GATT services

Advanced wireless technologies to support IoT (overview)

Open project session and idea implementation (groups)

Review and discussions

Announcement of results and next steps



ESP8266 NodeMCU | Micro USB cable | Breadboard | IR sensor | DHT11 sensor | Soil moisture sensor | ADXL345 sensor module | Pulse sensor | LDR sensor | Buzzer module | RGB module | Mini water pump | Water pump pipe | Vibration coin motor | Relay module  | Regulator | BO geared motor | Motor shield dual (H-bridge) | Resistor | Tactile switch | DC power jack | Jumper wires  | Screwdriver


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